‘A Funny Thing Happened’ is sad, touching, surprisingly raunchy and often hilarious

‘A Funny Thing Happened’ is sad, touching, surprisingly raunchy and often hilarious

Bonnie Gilgallon of CV Independent writes, “The latest production at Dezart Performs [is] often side-splittingly funny: Halley Feiffer’s A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Gynecologic Oncology Unit at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center of New York City is sad, touching, surprisingly raunchy and often hilarious.

“Randy Brenner proves his skill as a director here, eliciting strong performances from his actors. Given the setting and the subject matter, this play could easily come across as either stodgy or too heavy-handed with the humor. Brenner avoids both pitfalls.

“Dezart’s A Funny Thing is a small, intimate, powerful piece of theater. It touches on, well, just about everything—sex, money, illness, career struggles and family dynamics. It reminds us that even in the face of grief and enormous loss, love and human connection can pull us through.”

For the full review, click here.