“[The actors] build on the foundation of [Samuel D.] Hunter’s well-written dialogue and the deft direction of Michael Shaw.”

“[The actors] build on the foundation of [Samuel D.] Hunter’s well-written dialogue and the deft direction of Michael Shaw.”

Robert Sokol of Talkin’ Broadway writes, “[Dennis] Renard and [Jacob Alden] Roa evolve a relationship between the two men that is a beautiful blend of subtlety, grace and humor. They build on the foundation of [Samuel D.] Hunter’s well-written dialogue and the deft direction of Michael Shaw, inviting you to empathize with these two immensely decent characters who are supporting each other while reaching for their individual goals.

“The intimacy is enhanced by the compressed space they share. Shaw keeps the pair mostly seated and rarely more than a few feet apart, giving audiences the sense of eavesdropping on private lives.

“Shaw also creates truly seamless transitions between scenes with plays of light and sound and thoughtfully choreographed movements.”

For the complete review, click here.