WHAT THE CONSTITUTION MEANS TO ME is a terrific play, and a terrific production!

WHAT THE CONSTITUTION MEANS TO ME is a terrific play, and a terrific production!

Kay Kudukis of BroadwayWorld writes, “Although Heidi Schreck’s play is often described as ‘feminist,’ you don’t need to be a feminist to understand that the original framers of the Constitution provided no safeties for girls, people of color, nor for our now out and proud LGBTQ community. And while the play makes it clear that this is within a debate, Heidi is directed by the Legionnaire to ‘make it personal’ so throughout she tells a horrific story of the extraordinary women in her family and how the lack of protection provided by the Constitution put them in mortal peril.

“It’s a terrific play, and a terrific production. I recommend this show to everyone with a heartbeat. You’ll not only get smarter, but you’ll come to understand why we are a nation in strife. It’s enlightening, funny, heartbreaking and, on further reflection, as a woman, I finally got the big picture when it came to our country’s lawmaking. I found it absolutely terrifying.”

For Kay’s complete review, click here.